年齢: 35歳
日本語能力試験1級 (2回)
My Story

It might be a surprise to hear it, but when I was in school I thought I was terrible at learning languages. We learned French, German, and Latin, but I was terrible at all of them. After 5 years of learning French, I could barely have a conversation and I don′t remember any of it now. When I lived in China, I didn′t really try to learn the language and always regretted it, so when I finally came to Japan I thought “This is my chance!”
Every chance I got, I tried to study Japanese. Before work, in my lunch break, after work, I was cramming vocabulary and grammar. I tried to speak Japanese to the people around me as much as I could. I made the best effort I could to utilize the things I′d learned to communicate well. Even though I made countless mistakes, it never really bothered me – I just noted my mistakes and moved on!
Getting over the hurdle of being embarrassed to speak another language was one of my greatest accomplishments. I realized that even people who think they have no talent in languages can achieve high levels of fluency though hard work and effective guidance.
Now, I can have conversations without using any English at all, watch movies without English subtitles, converse with my in-laws…all the things I dreamed of being able to when I first came to Japan. I wasted 25 years being monolingual because I thought I didn′t have “the right kind of brain” to speak another language.
I want to teach you English!